Okay, throughout the Republican Presidential nomination, there has been a strong anyone but Romney faction. They have been looking at the other candidates and seem to rally behind them for a bit then leave them.

Tim Pawlently bowed out early. Michelle Bachman was the "It Girl" for a bit, but then people actually listened to the crazy things coming out of her mouth and left in droves. Then it was Rick Perry to the rescue, but his debate performances were horrible, and they didn't like his position on illegal immigration. Then came Herman Cain, but he seemed to have no real interest in foreign policy and had a few ladies accuse him of behavior that was not appropriate...okay maybe it is appropriate for Democrats, but not Republicans. Then Newt Gingrich debate performaces were paid attention to, and he rose in the polls.

Regardless, why would anyone support him? He would not only lose a national election, but lose in a landslide. First to the nutty right-wing of the base, he is a Washington insider. That doesn't bother me, but it bothers many others. Second, he worked with Democrats on health care reform and climate change reform, and spoke against the Ryan Plan (three things that I actually liked him doing), but then changed his positions to appeal to the far-right wing of the base, since they are the ones who always seem to dominate the primaries.

Also, he should be a pariah to the social conservatives of the party. He has been divorced twice and was known to have affairs. Hell, he got one of his divorces when his wife was suffering from cancer. That will not play well in the heartland or anywhere else for that matter.

Newt has been called the smartest man in the room. I may agree with that statement, but he would still get crushed. The Republicans need to rally around Romney or Huntsman. Both could win, but Romney has a better chance at the nomination. If Romney wins, he should take Gingrich as his Chief of Staff.

Basically my party needs to decide if they want idealogical purity, or to win elections. I am not sure which direction they will choose, but they really need to make some changes and make them fast before they are a regional party of the South and parts of the Mountain West.