To start out, I really like Jon Huntsman, he is my kind of candidate. He radiates of a radiant energy that you don't see in the other candidates. You would enjoy having a drink or dinner with this guy (and especially his daughters). He's just likable to most people, except for the Tea Party types, who want red meat.

Governor Huntsman has a wealth of experience the others do not. He has run a business, has been an ambassador, has worked for President's and was himself the successful governor of a state and has the needed executive experience. He would be ready to take over from day one.

He's served under both President Reagan and the Bushes. He also seems to share the sunny disposition of former President Reagan. It is funny how the Tea Party types love to talk about Reagan, but they never really seem to know what he stood for. Heck, Reagan would probably not be welcome in today's Republican Party with his views.

Huntsman has many conservative views which should be looked on highly be the right, but they are not. The governor has been shown to be a strong fiscal conservative and has many strong social conservative leanings as well. He seemed to believe there was man-made global warming (wake up Republicans, there is so much proof that it exists, find a way to make a buck off of it instead of complaining and listening to that drug-popping idiot Limbaugh) and believes in evolution. I guess to some, that discredits him. Well, even many Christians believe in a form of evolution, even if you want to call it intelligent design. The point is, religion should not dictate everything. I am a Catholic, does that mean that I am only going to vote for Catholics, absolutely not?

Huntsman has tried to appeal to the center and the left (what remains of it) in the party. It may play well for him in New Hampshire. Regardless, his views are not really left, it is that he doesn't take the angry tone of a Gingrich or others. He sees hope and optimism in the future of our country. Isn't that what we tend to like on our leaders.

I realize that he will probably not get the nomination, unless things change overnight. That being said, I think he is the best candidate the Republicans could put forward.