I have a birthday coming up October 10th. I will be turning 39 years old. I often wonder where all of the time went. I remember just being a little kid thinking that I would never grow up and time stood still, now time passes by way too fast. Next year will be 40, and all that makes me think of is the yearly prostate exams that come along with that.

I am looking forward to getting together with my friends. I have no idea who will all be coming out yet. I am planning on a birthday weekend though. Friday night will hopefully be dinner at the Saint James in Avilla (my favorite restaurant), then the Green Center Haunted School, and then maybe karaoke. Saturday, I'm not sure yet, but maybe I can talk my friends into a bonfire. My actual birthday though will probably be spent at both of my jobs.

I remember the excitement of a birthday growing up as a kid. You always wondered what you would get for your presents. Now, I will be surprised if anyone gets me any gifts at all. It is the reality of getting older, especially when you are not married and don't have kids. I look forward to marrying one day and adopting a child or two.

For now, the excitement is just getting together with friends, sharing stories, going to a fun house, and that

As a writer, I need to be inspired constantly. I need to write as many stories as possible all the time. I need to continue to get published. Regardless, I may need inspiration from different sources.

Don't get me wrong, I would love a muse, a woman who inspires you at all times. I have had many in my life. But that is not the only inspiration I need. I need to watch old horror movies and read old horror stories to help me out.

I have often talked about taking a week off and spending it in Saint Augustine, Florida to write. I find the town to be very inspiring. The history, the culture, the ambience, I find it all to be charming. I also find it a bit creepy at night, which adds to the charm.

I would love a week to do nothing but watch old horror movies, especially Hammer Horror movies and movies that appear to be inspired by Hammer. I want to embrace them and write in such a way. These movies were amazing in their time, and as far as I am concerned, they hold up well. So much modern horror kind of stinks as far as I'm concerned. The torture porn subgenre I found especially uninspiring. How many Saw and Hostel style movies could they do?

As the month of October (the greatest month of the year) rolls around, television stations will be playing horror movies, some classic and some not. I hope to catch as many of them as possible, even if that means watching them through the following months. I need to work and make money and can't just watch movies all the time.

Maybe I will find inspiration in other sources as well, but

Okay, so yes, I am turning 39 in a few weeks. I am a professional, a college instructor and a writer. That doesn't mean that I am a traditional man who wants the white picket fence lifestyle.

I am far from normal, ask my friends. My views, my likes, my interests, the things that I do for fun, they all range outside the normal. Some say that I am a bit of an eccentric. I don't really think so, but they see me in a different way.

I also have a way different taste in woman. I don't go for the traditional all-American girl that would end up in the pages of Playboy magazaine (don't get me wrong, I enjoy Playboy, and not just for the articles). Still, I like a woman of mystery, the naughty librarian, the teacher, the woman with a dark side, and such. One who is attractive, but not necessarily in the traditional sense.

Fashion is also important. I don't like a woman who runs around in sweats and t-shirts. I like a woman who has their own sense of style, even if it is a bit off. The steampunk genre has given some great looks for women, but at my age, women aren't going to dress like that, so I guess I can just have fantasies. Still, there is nothing sexier than a corset and a short fluffy skirt.

Also, brains are important. I'm not a zombie, so don't worry. I just mean that if you can't carry on a conversation, than why bother. Looks are nice, but they only get you so far. There is nothing sexier than a good conversation that goes long into the night.

I am a hopeless romantic at heart, which as a guy I shouldn't admit. I don't want perfection, nor do I look for it. I look for a good person that I look forward to seeing each time we get together. When you have that, you have something really special.

So, what is it you look for in the opposite sex?

I came back to Indiana about 21 months ago, hoping for a fresh start and new beginnings. While I had no idea how long it would last, I was hoping that regardless, I could feel at home, if only for a moment. One thing I was trying to do was find a connection to my past so that I could move on in my future. To many, this may sound a bit strange, but to those who know me, you might understand it.

Now, 21 months later, I realize that you can never actually go home. What do I mean by that? Well, life around us has changed, we can reach out to our pasts, but we can't go back there. It is the high school quarterback or cheerleader who had their glory days in high school and always try to live that life, either by keeping the same friends from that time period and constantly talking about it, or by living vicariously through their high school age kids.

High school was not my glory days, college was. I was a frat boy, student body president, involved in so many areas of the school, but I know better than to try to live in those days. I have tried to reach out to my childhood instead, not in the weird way, but in a way to see what makes me tick. I want to know why I still love to drive by my old farmhouse that I grew up in and why I look back so fondly on it, and why today, not much makes me happier than going out to a friends farm and just walking around remembering how I grew up.

I realize that I can never go back to those days, but I can appreicate that they have helped make me who I am today. I grew up with a wonderful mom and grandma who helped shape me to be the man I am today. I got to grow up in an environment that let me access my creative side. I was very fortunate.

When we left the farm, we moved to the city. The city was fine and gave me other opportunities. I got to see my friends more often and left the house more than I did in the country. It was a different world, but it gave me the opportunity to see both worlds. It makes me want to live in the country on a few acres, but a
Summer is winding down and the Fall season is upon us. Summer in the Midwest for many meant going to the lakes.

Now even though I am from the Midwest, there is nothing that I hate more than hearing from a Hoosier then when you ask them where they went for the weekend and they say "to the lake." I guess I am supposed to do a Vulcan Mind Read and know exactly which lake they were talking about. There are many lakes in the area I grew up, so how am I supposed to know which one of them is this magical lake that they are talking about? I never got that.

Now there were a couple of lakes that we did visit on occassion. The first was Bixler Lake in Kendalville. This was the lake that my great-grandfather died in while ice fishing many years ago. I don't go ice fishing, so I guess I was safe. I remember mostly going with my bioligical father during some of our Saturday visits with him. The beach was located right by the old McCray Hospital (I miss that creepy old building). I remember going more in the late 70's, when I was very young. For some reason, when I think of going there, I get Paul McCartney and Wings "Silly Love Songs" running through my head.

After moving to the farm I grew up on, we started to go to Diamond Lake (between Albion and Ligonier) quite often. I remember packing a picnic lunch and taking our German Shepard Domino with us. I mostly remember it just being my mom, brother and dog on these trips. It was a small, quiet lake, and we always enjoyed those trips. Years later, I went with my mom, brother, and her dogs Cognac and Klaus. The lake had changed, but it was great to take them up there and think about old ti

Later, my grandmother dated a man who had a place on I believe what was called Bear Lake, outside of the town of Wolflake. I didn't care much for that place. The lake seemed a bit too dirty for me. That is how I actually see many lakes though. They seem to be dirty, and I have a fear of getting tangled in the crap that grows in the bottom. Maybe I just watch too many scary movies (what am I saying, you can never watch too many scary movies).

Personally, now I just prefer to go swimming in the ocean or swimming pools. Regardless, I will always have fond memories of going to Diamond Lake with my family and Domino.

Those of you who know me know that I am not a morning person. Trying to get me up if I don't have to be at work is an almost impossible task. I've never been a morning person in my life that I remember, except for one time...Saturday mornings when I was growing up.

Saturday morning was a magical time when all of your favorite cartoons would come on. I spent hours alone watching the Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show. I loved watching the exploits of Bugs, Taz, Daffy, Speedy, Pepe, and others. I couldn't wait to get up and watch them over and over again. Of course then, we didn't have dvr, Tivo, or other recording devices. We had to catch it live.

Most of the morning was spent with the Looney Tunes. I think they played more than once. If I remember correctly, they had a two hour block earlier, then a block on later with the later cartoons, especially Speedy Gonzalez, Roadrunner and Coyote, and more recent additions like Cool Kat, Merlin and Top Banana, and Bunny and Claude. In between, we would always get the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons. We all had our favorites like Conjunction Junction, Electricity, or I'm Just a Bill.

Another cartoon I remember watching then was Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. That was a fun one which I think came on a bit later in the morning. Occassionally I may watch the special that they did towards the end. The one I seem to remember best was Bunnicula.

Today, Saturday morning cartoons seem to be a thing of the past. I guess they are not needed. Kids can watch cartoons anytime they want, whether it be on cable/dish, dvd's, dvr, streaming, on computer, and the like.

Still, for those of us who grew up in the 70's and 80's, there is nothing that can ever take the place of our

Right now, vampires and zombies are big. Don't get me wrong, I love them both, but what about the werewolves, those loveable mutts who just love to rip your throat out.

I know that Jacob of Twilight fame is a werewolf, but the story still seems to be mostly focused on the vampires, not that it matters, real fans of horror hate the series.

Recently, Universal Studios made a remake of The Wolfman. The movie had an amazing cast in Benecio Del Toro, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, and Hugo Weaving. It had amazing sets, great visuals, but lacked a truly good story. Del Toro really looked the part of Lon Chaney Jr., and he is an amazing actor, but there was nothing that could be done to save the story.

Werewolves had also been a part of the Underworld saga, but I am not sure if they will play a part in the next part of the story.

Now there have been amazing werewolf movies out in recent years. Brotherhood of the Wolf is a movie that should be watched by all fans of the genre. Blood and Chocolate was also excellent. I am a huge fan of the Ginger Snaps series of films. The acting is excellent with two stars who really excel in their roles. I was a huge fan of the third in the series, Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning, which takes the story back to what appears to be 1800's Canada with a fort filled with men, and the two young ladies.

I am certain that the lycan will have its turn again in cinema. There is supposed to be a sequal to The Wolfman, which will hopefully have a better story. Of course you will see Jacob take his shirt off again as the Twilight series concludes.

As long as we are willing to pay the money, the movies will continue to come our way, let's just hope they can channel the spirits of the great

I know to many of you, I am a bit strange. I look so normal, but the things that I talk about, not so much. The same is true on my thoughts on a house.

I hate how people today have to get a house built for them, at least in Fort Wayne, Indiana. They never think of buying an older place, they have to have one built from scratch, how ridiculous. Don't they realize that such houses fall apart quickly and have no real craftmanship.

Not me, I want an old brick house in the country, one that has a ghost. This is a prerequisite. When I am finally able to get some of my debt paid down and start to look for a place, this is what I want. Old houses are built so well and last so long. Yes, they may creak at times, but that adds to the romance of it. Brick, well to me, that is just charming. Then the ghost, well that just makes the place stand out and fun.

I grew up on a haunted farm, at least I think it was. I was also a kid with a vivid imagination. We moved to another place which I believed to be haunted. Weird things happened there. Yes, I have a real imagination, but those who could get "senses" about things felt something there. I also lived in my late grandmother's house after she passed. Both her and her husband passed there, but I don't think it was haunted. They died at home, and not under the worst of circumstances. The place was brick, and well not in the country, I loved that house and miss it. I wish I would have stayed there.

I rent now at a place that is not very old, but it feels like it is falling apart. It is typical of newer houses, they look good for a year or two, and fall apart quickly.

Now why do I have to have a ghost in the place, think of me and the things I write about. Don't get me wrong, I want it to be a friendly ghost, and I really don't actually want to see it, just know it is there. While I enjoy nightmares, I don't want to have to live in fear each moment of my life. I want it to be more fun, like Casper. I hope that I can find a wife who would be cool with this, and kids who don't scare too easily.

I teach about a famous New York case to my students, Stambovsky v. Ackley. Here the buyer was not told that the house they bought was haunted, even though the seller let everyone else in the community know, and even elsewhere by writing about it. The buyer was upset that they were not informed. me, I would be delighted to buy such a place, but then again, I guess I'm not normal.

Regardless, before you go out and buy a new house, look into an older one. They are better built

By the end of the year, I should have three books out on the market. This is something I find very exciting. I love writing and especially love the idea of others reading my works. I am a creative person, and love to share my ideas. What could be more exciting?

I started writing my screenplays many years ago, sometime after graduating law school. I remember watching the moved Ed Wood, and for whatever reason, I think that inspired me. Now Ed Wood was not a great director, but he seemed to have passion. If he had passion and got his films made, maybe I could also.

I am fortunate I had someone believe in me enough to get me published. Now we are working on future projects I hope that will be enjoyed by many.

Things are going to get exciting.
I consider myself a city guy, but I love the country and the small towns. I really love small towns close to the city, so that you can have the best of both worlds.

I was born in Fort Wayne, and moved to Boston shortly thereafter. When we returned to Indiana, it was Kendalville first, then Avilla, this is small town America. I was happy. I lived both in town and then in the country. Then again, we were still involved in the city. My family worked in Fort Wayne, and we commuted to a private school in the city also. Still, we had our farm, a place to hide from the rest of the world.

Today, I find myself trying to reconnect with this part of my life. I enjoy going to Avilla quite often to eat at the Saint James (I used to take my mom every Saturday for lunch). I go to the small town fairs, especially in Auburn. I may just take a drive in the country for the fun of it. I honestly miss growing up there. Still, I know you can't go back.

I love small town girls, and seem to prefer dating women from these small communities. There is something special about them. I love going to small town restaurants and meeting locals. I love going to the small town wineries.

Still, there is also a draw to the city. When I was young, I loved going to Chicago and places as such. It was great to see all the many things they had to offer. I was drawn to the fast pace of city life.

After college, I moved to South Florida for law school. Life is certainly fast paced there. I then lived between Indianapolis, Dayton, and Fort Wayne, but still tried to connect with the past.

What is it about small town life that I like, or is it just me trying to connect to a time when things were simple, considering the compli